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Alchemy is the process of combining knowledge, experience, and irrational impulses related to the perfection of both the nature of the human body and the human spirit. Each significant culture or tradition has brought its own understanding as well as definition to the significance of this process. As a system of knowledge alchemy appears in its most comprehensible form to modern thinking in the Taoist tradition.

However, it is important not to limit alchemy to cultural frameworks, since it has proven effective in different parts of the world – in one place it has led to insights into the nature of immortality, in another to increased longevity, and in yet another to the acquisition of additional powers.

Historically, alchemical knowledge is believed to have originated from the Greek god Hermes and is associated with the process of melting and transforming lower qualities into higher ones, a process described allegorically in the ancient text “The Emerald Tablet”.

Historically, it is accepted that alchemical knowledge comes from the Greek god Hermes and that it has to do with the process of melting and transforming lower qualities into higher ones, which is allegorically described in the ancient text “The Emerald Tablet”. However, many cultures have been concerned with the cultivation of the spirit to various extents, so alchemy should not be seen as related to a single lineage or tradition.

+Assyrian Alchemy

Assyrian alchemy is an art associated with the great historical region of Mesopotamia, or the interfluve of the great rivers Tigris and Euphrates. It is located mainly in the territory of modern Iraq (partly in Iran, Turkey, and Syria). The oldest civilizations on the planet developed here, dedicated to the preservation and multiplication of the supreme indestructible light.

Several millennia of ancient Mesopotamian history contained the development of the great peoples of the interfluve – the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Akkadians. The last three were related to each other (they were Semitic tribes who came here from the west), and the Sumerians were the oldest inhabitants of these places – their written culture is the most ancient on the planet. Later on, the ancient Persian tradition represented by Zarathustra, which came to Mesopotamia from the East, from the territory of modern Iran, had its influence on Assyrian alchemy.

At the top of this knowledge is Assyrian alchemy, which got its name from the Assyrian kingdom, which included the most extensive territories among other states of Mesopotamia that existed at different times. At its height, the Assyrian kingdom stretched from modern Israel in the west to Iran in the east, and it also existed for the longest period (from the middle of the third millennium B.C. to 605 B.C.).

+Egyptian Alchemy

The very existence of the ancient Egyptian civilization can be classified as an alchemical process that considered light according to the laws of a triple coordinate system, and the possibility of transformation according to Atum’s law.

What was previously indestructible had left the Earth forever, and in these conditions bonding processes that resisted the principles of destruction began to take shape. The natural process of accepting infinity and immortality began to require special effort and became an element of faith. This created a special perception of the ideas of immortality and death, though death was originally regarded simply as the deterioration of certain characteristics of the soul, which from being immortal became a subject to the processes of death.


This is how the knowledge of light and all that generates or perceives it created alchemy. The human being was already regarded as an alchemical object in this process and received the name Hermetic Vessel, or Trismegist, seeking the light of Thoth. Thus arouse Hermes Trismegistus (the Thrice Greatest), who represents the Emerald Tablet and is able to form and assimilate the indestructible light on Earth, later called gold in alchemy.

+Indian Alchemy

Indian alchemy is a special phenomenon on the alchemical map of the world. It consists of three fundamental pillars: Yoga (the path of liberation), Tantra (the path of ascent), and Rasayana (the path of light).

The division of these paths is conditional, but it is important to keep these directions in mind when we talk about Indian alchemy. Each of them is characterized by a different mentality and focus on the tasks of improving a particular part of one’s nature. At the same time, they are all united by the same concept of rebirth.

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+Khmer alchemy

Khmer alchemy introduces the concept of transformation (and not just liberation), which is reflected in the image of the Churning of the Heavenly, or the Milky Ocean (Samudra Manthan).

This process helps to awaken the energy of Śakti (Shakti), which requires that we obtain amrita (the heavenly breath) and produce soma (the immortal nectar).

+Hermetic Alchemy

Historically, alchemical knowledge is believed to come from the Greek god Hermes, and that it is associated with the process of melting lower qualities into higher ones, which is allegorically described in the most ancient text “The Emerald Tablet”. This was the beginning of the basic comprehension of the alchemical processes and their application.

Alchemy encompasses a number of algorithms, each of which reflects a path of transformation or the attempt to consistently understand possibilities. The attunement of consciousness to the process of transformation plays a crucial role here, and the alchemical experience becomes an important part of this process.

Hiding alchemical knowledge in symbols or allegories has created a new language whose concepts and judgments carry the alchemical light. It is impossible to know alchemy without knowing its language, just as it is impossible to know language without knowing the nature of light. Every meaning and symbol contains its own spark, its own tension, its own light.

+Taoist Alchemy

The alchemical body created through alchemy is a type of body capable of inner transformation. The creation of this body is an important condition for achieving profound transformation and change.

The alchemical body is capable of changing many natural processes, it relies not on natural temporal energies, but on transformed ones, which are associated with the harmonization of internal forces and create timeless parameters.

The alchemical body allows the creation of additional energy resources by changing the frequency of energy and, therefore, has its own physiological and biochemical principles. This is what Taoist Alchemy focuses on – a system of practical knowledge aimed at developing the ability to regenerate and transform energy, which leads to a partial or complete transformation of the body.

The alchemical body allows us to change the temporal nature of our existence. It is a specific geometric figure, which should be created with an understanding of the shape and connections within the body.

+Sufi Alchemy

Sufism is a path that leads to purification and absolute purity. For some, it is complete, independent and indivisible, for others it is part of Islam, or even the language of cultivation and perfection.

In any case, Sufism is perceived as a chain, as a path of development, and it would be interesting to examine the Sufi tradition from such a perspective, taking into account its mentality. It is this mentality that places Sufism within a given social or cultural context, due to its similarity to other ideas. In certain traditions it is more prominent (e.g. in Afghanistan or Yemen), whereas in others it lines up with other existing conceptual trends (e.g. in India and China). Its most prominent feature is that it manages to absorb various spiritual principles and doctrines, without attempting to oppose or modify them.

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+Runic Alchemy

Runic alchemy is known as the art of climbing Fionn’s Ladder, each step of which represents a lesson learned or a new stage in life, the main goal of which is continuous self-improvement. This series of lessons and chain of rebirths represents the Druidic concept of the transmigration of the soul. According to the Celtic and later Germanic-Scandinavian sources, the rebirth of the soul takes place in conditions of its upward movement through the steps, and with every rebirth, it brings it closer and closer to the comprehension of the True Spirit.


The Celts of the British Isles synthesized the knowledge of the Pythagoreans, Aryans, Iberians, Normans, and local tribes, which helped them create a coherent belief system in immortality. They developed a powerful magical system, either based on pre-existing knowledge and the acquired experience in achieving immortality.

The runes are symbols-ideograms that have a tremendous power sealed in them. The most important one, however, is the operating system of Asgard, or the ninth level of the macro cosmos, which corresponds to a specific part of the brain, expressed in the concept of the “brain of Eryl”. Eryl (Joril) is an alchemist who wielded the power of the runes (hence the modern English word Earl, which means noble, distinguished, majestic).

The use of runes is a way of fighting lower spaces. This concept lies at the heart of all Germanic-Scandinavian mythology under the allegorical concept of “battle,” which really means the ability to operate with higher consciousness, something that the ancient Germans and Scandinavians aspired to do.

+Andean alchemy

The Andean civilization is a matrix civilization, it is not among the world civilizations that have been created by other civilizations. It was formed during the period of the Sumerian civilization (3rd millennium BC), which is proof for the special status of the Andean civilization and its connection with the celestial plane and the special conditions formed in the Andean region.

What is unique about this civilization is its preservation of knowledge. Despite the Spanish invasion, the Andean tradition has survived to this day thanks to the Q’ero Indians (also spelled Kero, Kiro), who live in the Andean highlands. Their ranks include the direct descendants of the Inca priests, who lived in hiding from the Spaniards for centuries. They preserved the sacred knowledge of Pachacutiq or Uku-Pachacutiq – a knowledge that can be called the Andean alchemy.

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If we try to briefly define the task of alchemy, we can say that it is the science of human perfection and the realization of human potential abilities. It is the ability to recreate ourselves, it is the need for immortality, which exists in one form or another due to the very nature of our spirit.

All ancient cultures built their ideas about human life and their interaction with space based on the possibility of an immortal existence of the body and spirit. However, in the process of evolutionary development, this question became largely speculative, which was caused both by objective reasons (change of rhythm and frequencies of the Earth) and subjective ones (disproportionate development of human consciousness, not allowing the realization of deeper understanding).

Immortality is not a goal. It is a possibility that one can achieve. It is an opportunity to learn about the human spirit, nature, code, matrix, geometry, and most importantly the capabilities of our own brain. Until we understand on a physical level the nature of our soul, which requires an understanding of the brain, we cannot perceive the nature of immortality.

This process is linked to specific anatomy, and knowledge of it defines the existence of entire cultures. The closest to us in their understanding of these issues are perhaps the Chinese Taoists, the Indian yogis, the Kagari Christians, the ancient Khmer, and the Incas.

Alchemy >> Materials

  • Assyrian Alchemy

    Assyrian Alchemy

    Assyrian alchemy is an art associated with the great historical region of Mesopotamia or the interfluve of the great rivers Tigris and Euphrates. It is predominantly located in present-day Iraq (partly in Iran, Turkey, and […]

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  • Indian Alchemy

    Indian Alchemy

    Without understanding alchemy, we destroy energy every day. And you will have to die, and maybe even today. Sri Chola   Indian alchemy is a special phenomenon on the alchemical map of the world. It […]

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  • The Churning of the Ocean of Milk. Samudra Manthan

    The Churning of the Ocean of Milk. Samudra Manthan

    The Churning of the Ocean of Milk (Samudra Manthan) carries the deepest knowledge of yoga, tantra and alchemy. This phenomenon finds expression in the Apsara dance. The churning of the Ocean of Milk is associated […]

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  • Daoist Alchemy

    Daoist Alchemy

    Daoist alchemy is a knowledge system, a worldview, which underlies the process of personal transformation and lets you free yourself from all crude energy by transforming it. Its fundamental concepts are based on the knowledge […]

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  • Sufi Alchemy

    Sufi Alchemy

    Sufism is not what impresses, but what prompts you to start searching. Shaaban   Sufism is a path that leads to purification and absolute purity. For some, it is complete, independent and indivisible, for others […]

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  • Andean alchemy

    Andean alchemy

    New Guardians will come to our Earth, And those who have done great harm to Mother Earth, Will have to change their attitude towards her or leave her. To change your attitude, first you need […]

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  • Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov

    Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov

    The very fact of Dashi-Dorzho’s appearance on earth is a mystery… Glina Ershova, head of the project for the study of the Itigilov phenomenon, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor at the Russian State University for […]

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Alchemy >> New videos

  • Taoist Alchemy. Tuning the perfect consciousness. Daoist Academy

  • Anatomy of Taiji Quan. Part III: Measure. Buy the lection

  • Anatomy of Taiji Quan. Part II: Synchronization. Buy the lection

  • Anatomy of Taiji Quan. Part I: Tuning. Buy the lection

  • Steps in developing the practice of Turtle Breathing. Buy the lection

  • The Essence of Daoist Alchemy

  • Jie Kong. The Hermit

  • Indian Alchemy

  • Bone Marrow Regeneration

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